Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Changing moments

I felt compelled to write this before it left my mind. The last four hours of my life were consumed by me completely cleaning out and rearranging my room in the hope that tomorrow I will start fresh and get back into the rhythm of things.

While in the shower I came to the realization that this is not the first, and most certainly wont be the last, time this has occurred. How many times in life do we suddenly realize that we are on a downwards path and suddenly have great thoughts of turning around only for these to die within days, sometimes even hours?

Why does this occur so often and what can be done to stop it? The smallest change can alter our entire lives yet trying to go back is near impossible. Why when we have so much energy for something does it die so rapidly?

At times I wonder what I can do to change this but then I realize I am once again being drawn in to the never ending cycle. I think maybe I am too eager to change the smaller parts of my life. Perhaps I, and perhaps the majority of us, need to compartmentalize our lives into areas that not only make an identifiable difference but are also key to a better quality of life.


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