Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Old People

So I have arrived in this country of Arabian designs after an a long, long plane trip. My luck for upgrading for free to business class did not continue following my last international flight. Instead I had a window seat next to a 100 year old arabian women, who spoke no English, except a barely audiable "thankyou", who was so old she was practically incapalbe of any human movement. During the enitre 14 hour flight the only time she moved was to go to the toilet, or eat and in both of these instances she needed help. Just opening the foil wrapped food was a challenge for her, and as such I was required to open all her food and help her eat!

When I attempted to sleep she was prone to random movements which always resulted with her elbowing me in the ribs. No doubt to get me to wake up and help her with her many journeys to the toilet!

When the plane began its final decent I thought my new friend would finally kak it. Her nose started bleeing and she began to cry. Yet, just as in the way she spoke, I could not hear her sobbing. Only watch as the tears, and blood, streamed down her face. For an instant I actually thought I was going to see my first person die. Surly this old women who could hardly feed herself would not last much longer.

It was only at the end of the flight that I saw how she survived in the real world. Her entire family was on the plane. They just could not be bothered helpinig her. This was especially evident when they all got off the plane, leaving her to presumably fend for herself with her two handbags, which she could barely lift. When it came our turn to get off the plane, she got up and I attempted to help her with her bags. Instead she went to another seat, presumably to die. I never saw the old woman again.

As I was disembarking from the plane, the troubles of old people for me did not end. I was welcomed to Abu Dhabi by a wailing old woman, who had fallen over and was struggling to get up. Thankfully some other blokes helped her and I got out of there as quick as possible.

I plan to never get old!


1 comment:

  1. Well at least something eventful happened on your flight. Enjoy Arabia!

